Monday 7 July 2008

Skeletons part 2

Bit of a break since my last post, been away for a short holiday and hadn't worked out how to schedule future blogs. Have now!

Anyway, as promised there's more skeletons. Not to say that all 4 articles will follow in succession, but I did get another bunch of minions completed recently so they get their own posting now.

Unit 2 : The wash method.
Well this unit isn't a true unit in its own right, its really a bunch of old metal skeletons I've used as summon fodder for years and decided they'd be a good choice for testing out the new washes.

There's 3 very basic stages (after white undercoat that is).
1) Dheneb stone (foundation) base coat
2) Badab black (wash)
3) Bleached bone, dry brushed

Here's one of them from several angles, fortunately I have several of each type to save me editing the photos. Using a small selection of the same metal figure is something you'll see in other units in my army from my time working at Games Workshop when I could select my own figures in detail. As much as I like the many plastic figures now available, I still find the weight of a metal reassuring. These boys are lead they are so old.

Lastly then a group shot of all 14. These really didn't take long, the spears were the final touches with horseflesh brown (a Coat d'arms paint, more or less the old spearstaff brown) with a wash of ogryn flesh. Spearheads were tin bitz and then boltgun metal dry brushed. Bases are simple in my undead army, just flock on the tops. Each of my armies is based differently which hopefully you'll see over time.

These chaps will continue to be my summoning fodder as they are unarmoured will fit nicely at the back of any of my other units as they have no shields or livery that associates them with any of my main blocks.

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